Wednesday, February 21, 2007

what i like ...

What do I like bout Spore?

Definitely ESPLANADE. I went there for 3 days in the row already. It’s the perfect place to just sit on one of its couches, relax and enjoy your book and iPod. And apparently lots of people do that. Or maybe because they’re tired from the Hong Bao event and came here to use the toilet and enjoy the air con-ed rooms? Well, I did exactly that. Hehehehe

I like to sit there and watched people pass by. I consider myself as a ‘people observer’. Like to see what they are wearing and doing. You will amaze on some of things that I saw. I saw a grandma ‘breastfed’ her grandson. Yeap .. a grandma and a grandson.

Oh, i just found out that Esplanade has free event every weekend from Friday to Sunday. Well, this certainly will make my weekend more interesting. Yesterday I watched the quartet from Taiwan played a traditional Chinese music, and a band played some rocks song and even a lovey-dovey song. And … there’s fire works. How on earth the Esplanade funds this “free event”? it must cost a lot. THANKS ESPLANADE.

I think all I need to do now is pray so hard (and hopefully GOD listens to me) that Phantom of the Opera will also be a free event …(yeah rite .. keep on dreaming –ii-).


Anonymous said...

nongkrong di outdoor-nya esplanade yg pinggir laut juga enak.. sambil ditiup angin sepoi2..:D

-ii- said...

bahaya Lip ... kalau ketiduran trus enggak sadar udh ngiler .. terus kena "fine" deh krn mengotori tempat umum?

Anonymous said...

hihi..dasar singapur... eh eh trus susah dong bawa bulldog jalan2 di taman, pan ngilernya banyak.. hihihi.. btw, lo pasti kangen banget deh sama anjing2mu...