Thursday, April 19, 2007

rebutan bandwith

gw bingung sih knapa ya internet gw sering lelet banget buat donlot2 lagu ... apalagi kalau mau nonton youtube ... bah luama bgt donlotnya ... kadang internetnya aja mati total, tp YM nyala .... eh ternyata aku baru tau kalau bapak kos ku tuh penggemar bittorrent juga .. hahahah .. kemaren ngintip laptopnya yg kebuka dan keliatan dia lg donlot .. banyak banget ... ... puantes .. kita rebutan bandwith kali ya hehehehhe ... hmmm jadi inget masa2 di Lund, dimana kompi ini 24 jam nonstop pantengin bittorrent .. bittorrent rocks deh khususnya buat yg gak bisa nikmatin american tv shows ...

Monday, April 16, 2007

it's hard to look into my heart ...

Look into your heart - and go after what you really want (p.44 Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic Takes Manhattan)

see .. even "this kind of book" has a good advice.

Its not easy to look for a job, especially if you dont know what kind of job you want. What do I want to do? I honestly dont know ... all i know is i want to find smth different than my old job. I have looked into my heart and all i can see was cloud of uncertainty. But I picked up some options. Lets see what they are (in no particular order):

I thought I was an easy job .. It's not .. even that all u hv to do is play with children for 3-4 hours a day .. its exhausted ... physically tiring ... but at the end of the day, when u talk about your students with other teachers, about their progress, their first art work, their first fight, their first "sorry", all other silly things that your little students did ... sigh .. i cant describe how it feels like ... rewarding? not quite the rite word ... oh this brings back some memories .... i miss Paco Valks... my little dutch boy...he's one of my favorite (i know that teacher doesnt suppose to play favorite but what can i say?) ... maybe because he always came to the class very early and i got to hang out with him, just him without other students? ... i taught him how to flush the toilet, wash hands with soup and then dry with towel ... i made him to say ik hou van jou to me hahahaha ... i miss azusa, my little japanese princess ... she cried cos she didnt want to wear her Halloweens costume .. azusa with her grape symbol (gosh i still remember her symbol) ... azusa with her pouty lip but with a smile that will melt you heart ... azusa that always uses her left hand but the teachers always encouraged her to use her right hand (her mom TOLD us to do that) .... i miss ayaka, the tomboy one ... yang suka grasak grusuk, kalo jalan gak liat2 selalu nabrak kiri kanan ... i think she fell down and bumped her head for thousand times, but her mom never blamed us cos she knows ayaka's prone to 'little' accident hehehehe ... there was the genius yuri, who learned ABC from DVD and the smartest one in my class ... and of course little Jade. she's so chubby just like me and other teachers said she could be my daughter hehhehe ... i was at awe when her baby sitter told me that jade was on diet, so she should only have one portion of whatever snack we had during the day (gak boleh nambah). u should see her face when she was still hungry but she had to stop eating while all other friends were still munching .... i miss all my babies ...

What I have in mind is not the person who works for a certain shop but rather someone who works for others to get them the coolest clothes in town hehehe …. I don’t know if there is such job here … well, at least in States every celebrity has his/her own personal shopper. But I’m not talking just about celebrity, the client could vary from busy business men/women or people who have too much money to spend so they think its cool to have a personal shopper. So how come this ‘certain’ interesting job even comes to my mind? Well, I love shopping and I think I have a good taste on what is good and what is not (but strange enough I don’t like to wear smth too fashiony –not sure if it’s even a word but u know what I mean-, I personally like smth simple. A t-shirt and comfortable stylish short will do for me). Anyway … the first person who called me her ‘personal shopper’ was a friend, Ms. Y from China, a friend from school. She didn’t really like shopping (don’t know now tho .. hmm maybe I should contact miss Y) and I’m crazy about shops. Don’t have to buy anything, but just tried everything that is nice and then put it back in the rack. This is why I like shops in Europe, the ‘helper’ doesn’t follow you around, if you need some help you just have to come to them. Back home, they will follow you around like you are some shopaholics. Once, I was looking at panties (on sale) from a famous department store, and this guy ‘the helper’ was following me around .. cmon … it’s a bit uncomfortable to have some stranger looking at what undies you’re checking on. I promise to myself that one day (if I hv the courage) I will tell those people to mind their own business and if I need help I will just shout (or maybe they works on bonuses for every item they sell?). Anyway, I don’t know how it started but one day Ms. Y decided that she would like to accompany me to Lindex .. one thing let to another and before long she was trying on t-shirts. And she actually bought more than I did I think .. hehehe…and then there was another venture to Vera Moda and Sisters. (RAN, do all these shops bring back some memories? hehehehe). And of course when we’re in Germany we actually did some shopping trips … even my mom became one of my victims hehehe … if I want to I could really persuade someone to buy smth that I think looks nice of them :P

This is (I think) something that I really want to do. I’ve been in the roster for almost 5 years now, but never got any news. A friend suggested me not to give up yet, they still need lots of people. Well how long should I wait then? I’m not getting any younger and one day I might start a family and this kind of thing will be impossible to do. Anyway, I updated my profile and will keep my fingers cross. I don’t think my family will agree with this option tho’. And I know this is not an easy job, you are basically ‘kind of’ put your self in danger. The living situation in those countries also not smth I have experienced before. But I don’t know why I’m drawn to this kind of job … but still …. I hope the UNV’s people will read this and hire me hehehehehe …

Are sure that you can adapt to the private company’s ways of doing business? Its different with NGO… I got this question from someone who know that for the past years I’ve been working for NGO and now applying for private companies … my answer was: I don’t know cos I never worked for a private companies before, but there is no so-called a perfect job, you have to compromise and Im more than willing to compromise. Yes .. I’m looking for a job with a big paycheck, if it means that I have to work for a big ugly private companies then be it .. it will be my choice and I have my own reasons. Hahahahaha … of course big paycheck will come a bit later but hey I’m willing to work my *** off. And if one day I don’t like what I do then I’m more than willing to work on smth totally different…

This is more like what I did for the last 2 years … well don’t know what I should write about this … sigh … i wont say that i dont want to do this kind of job anymore, i just need to dig deeper into my soul to find the same passion I had when i was in university and still thinking about "saving the environment".

I think now we just have to wait and see ...

Friday, April 13, 2007

List of IMPORTANT things to do ...

When I get home (maybe in 4 months the soonest .. or sooner if I don’t hv a job), here are the things that I NEED (yes NEED not WANT) to do:
  1. Go to cinema ... I hope they have another horror movie
  2. SEAFOOD … kepiting saos padang sounds so damn yummy now ... cumi goreng tepung is a must of course
  3. Berburu DURIAN … I’ve been craving durian for awhile now… its so expensive here, around 10SGD for couple of durians … smells so good every time I pass Shop n Save ... [gw sampe gak mau lirik lama2 takut tergoda]
  4. Shopping with mom
  5. Buy lots lots lots of DVDs
  6. Karaoke … [ocha .. be ready, save your voice and start practicing all your moves babe hehehehehehe] [I hope Tezza will be home too by that time]
  7. Ketoprak
  8. Martabak keju ... hiks ... makanan disini gak enak
  9. My mom's kaki ayam
  10. Cuddling with my furry friends
  11. Is girls nite out possible?
  12. What else ya?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

me and books

enggak kuatttttttttt .... mau confess ... ok ... i know that im in a very tight budget here ... but i've been to the book store for i dont know how many times, just sat/stand there and read those books. but, today i lost it .. i lost my self-control ... hiks ... so i bought two books today ... it means i need to cut back my other expenses ... hw come i cant control myself around books? does this mean that my relationship with books are much much deeper than clothes? ... sigh ...

ps: a friend brought me 3 indonesian books, and i read it all in 1,5 days ...

pss: when i say book, it means novel ok .. not text book or those look-like-pillow-heavy-thick books

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

another rambling thought

rambling thought ini biasanya keluar kalo suasana lagi gerimis mengundang kaya hari ini yg udh 3 kali ujan, hati lagi mellow, lg kesepian ngrasa gak punya temen ... intinya lagi lonely deh ... so this another one okeh?

jaman dulu sih mikirnya gw akan menikah saat umur 27 taon, dgn asumsi gw udh kerja dua tahun dan tentunya udh punya pasangan donk. Punya anak .. lalu balik kerja lagi. Tp pernah juga kepikiran mau ngurus anak dulu sampe udh agak gedean.

Time went by … and now im 30-ish and single.. don’t get me wrong I don’t mind being single, but maybe (well, not just maybe ... i know for sure) .. its not such a bad idea to have someone special.

but will i be a good wife and mother? tiba2 gw ngebayangin ... RT yg ideal buat gw yg kaya apa ya (dgn asumsi udh melalui masa pacaran yg menggelora loh. he? dangdut buanget enggak sih)

satu tahun pertama menikah maunya sih enggak punya anak dulu, mau mengenal dgn baik siapa sih cowo yg tidur di sebelah gue? siapa sih dia dibalik smua sifat2 baik dan sifat buruk yg selama ini dia tampilkan? mau berantem sepuas gw dulu dgn org yg ngaku jd suami gw. mau berbagi tugas masak, cucu piring, cuci baju, ngepel, nyetrika, dan sekali2 suami bikinin kejutan e.g. breakfast in bed? atau gw yg bikin kejutan buat suami e.g. hot bubble bath after a long day at the office maybe?... maybe, jalan2 keliling dunia berdua dulu. menikmati waktu kita berdua selagi bisa. malakukan hal gila berdua. pokoknya apanpun itu ... hanya KITA berdua.

Hamil ... maunya sih suami makin sayang. kalo bisa bukan kehamilan yg bikin susah. Maunya, evry night hubby melakkukan back rub (ktnya kalau hamil kan punggungnya sering sakit dan pegel kan), foot massage juga doank ah nanggung ... maunya kita selalu ngobrol ama bayi ... maunya suami sedikiiiiiit aja merasakan susahnya jd org hamil. mungkin suami yg ngidam??? atau suami yg mual2?? boleh deh dipilih. suami maksa gw minum susu (this is for sure will happen, i dont really 'crazy' bout milk). suami ikutan waktu USG pertama. suami ikuatan senam hamil. mau berantem ama suami krn kita beda pendapat mau tau kelamin sang bayi atau enggak. mau nya suami bilang 'i still love u no matter what', waktu gw ngerasa jelek dan gendut banget. dan suami berjanji sebulan sebelum melahirkan dia udh gak boleh tugas di luar kantor (kalo ada), tapi hrs dirumah nemenin gue sambil tetep menghibur gw yg merasa gendut dan tiap malem berbisik ke perut gw "good nite son or girl ... sleep tide"

melahirkan ... yah maunya alami. kalau sakit ya dilalui aja. yg jelas suami hrs disamping, jd kalau lg menahan sakit, masih bisa gigit atau nyubitin suami spy dia juga ikutan sakit heheheheheh ...maunya juga ada "paternity leave", jd sang ayah juga bisa bonding dgn sang baby. tp jd kepikiran juga sih gimana pembagian tugas yg adil ya? suami siang kan kerja, pasti cape donk. kalau sang ibu siang jg anak dan urus rumah, pasi cape juga. gantian nge-ronda? maunya sih suami masih melakukan back rub hehehhehe ... ps: gw seneng buanget ngeliat ayah2 yg gendong baby nya ...

kembali kerja atau tidak? ... this is really a though question. i just cant imagine myself (well at least now) being just a house wife ... i need to do smth else ... aku liat temenku ... pagi sebelum jam 9 antar anak #2 ke sekolah, ke pasar, balik ke rumah, bersih2 rumah, bawa anak#1 ke sekolah dan jemput anak #2, makan siang di luar ama anak#2, balik ke rumah, bantuin anak bikin PR, ngaso2, jemput anak#1, makan malam diluar (seringkali) ama suami dan anak, balik ke rumah, nemenin anak belajar, masuk kamar, bobo. THATS IT. emang gak semua kayak dia, but im stressed out just by watching her ... tp apa balik kerja juga pilihan yg lbh baik? cant asnwer this question ... i will just have to wait for my time to come then ...

anak udah gede ...mau menikmati kerja dan kelaurga dan suami. mau kayak bokap nyokap gw yg masih bisa honeymoon ke 2, 3, 4, ... (but they dont do that anymore, dont know why ... but i know my mom is not much a traveller). mau ada family holiday (even h). mau sekali2 out of the blue, suami looks into my eyes, and says 'honey, i love u'. dan gw tersipu malu (yah kayak masa pacaran lah). enggak tiap saat lah, ntar udh enggak istimewa lagi. yah setaon sekali cukup kok ... mau sekali2 nonton di bioskop and dinner berdua ama suami. enggak mau suami melalui 'mid life crisis' yg aneh2.

kalau udah tua ... duduk di teras belakang di sore hari menikmati matahari tenggelam sambil mengingat ke masa lalu dengan bangga tanpa ada penyesalan dan menanti2 apa yg akan terjadi di masa depan dgn anjing2 (yg banyak) yang duduk di kiri kanan kita.