Monday, November 27, 2006

2 months and counting ...

things i wanna do in these 2 months:
  • finish my task @ d office
  • watch JIFFEST with my friends
  • watch Hantu Jeruk Purut @ the last show with all niters
  • late late supper or just juice with all niters
  • enjoy my [maybe] last visit to Sorong and eat seafood for the whole week
  • snorkling @ Raja Ampat
  • develop one more proposal with CS (pake System Dynamics donk)
  • throw a great farewell for "ME" (any idea friends??)
  • find a place to stay in Spore (cheap and hip place)
  • find a JOB (any information???)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

rambling about nothing after midnight

This is my family ... a lot have been goin on … many of you have left … I know one day many more will leave and many more will join , but it still breaks my heart … maybe it is time to go on? Maybe it is time for me to move forward? I don’t want to be left alone …

PS: jangan mikir yg macem2 ya temans ... im fine and im still here

Friday, November 03, 2006


udah pada baca Marriagable: gue mau nikah asal ... belum?? lumayan menarik, mungkin krn gaya bahasa nya atau juga karena topik cerita nya yang agak lain dibandingkan novel2 Indonesia yang selama ini gue baca? tapi meengingatkan gue banget akan Sex & the City.

Anyway, my question is: apa sih kriteria kita (yes dear kita para wanita cantik dan mandiri) untuk cari suami or pacar? kalau mau klise semuanya juga jawab cowo yg pinter, cakep, kaya, dll ... actually aku pernah tuh terlibat diskusi yang mendalam dengan temen cewe dan temen cowo ttg masalah ini. apa yg kita cari, apa yg kita harapkan, kenapa kita (yes kita) masih single? well, lets find the answer together shall we?

kenapa gue msh single?
Senin-jumat kerja, kalaupun gaul biasanya ama temen kantor juga. Sabtu-minggu, its time for me untuk me-recharge batere gue (bangun siang, nonton, leha-leha, day-dreaming, mandiin my precious dogs, etc). jadi kapan ya gue bisa ketemu orang baru? Kenalan ama cowo? Kalaupun udh kenalan trus mau ngapain? Gue tuh orang nya gampak suka sama org lain, tp utk really really really like kayaknya susah deh. Emangnya apa sih yg gue cari?
[PS: all above are my “excuses” for still being single hehehe]

Apa yang gue cari? aku selalu jawab: seseorang yang bisa bikin aku tertawa (sorry wendy-editor of the book- gue enggak nyontek loh) dan seseorang yang pinter yang bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan2 bodoh gue (kadang-kadang gue merasa gue tuh org nya agak ignorance). yes that's all that im looking from a guy. Kala gue jawab org yg bisa bikin gue jatuh cinta (akan dibahas dibawah) kayaknya terlalu cliché deh ya. One of my girlfriends (you know who you are :P) said that there is one more (quite) important criteria (at least for her): she said that she couldn’t kiss an ugly guy (it means that he-at least- should have a nice looking face doesn’t necessary handsome tho’) – (udah masin fisik nih) [PS: thanks for the tips girl]

What about L O V E ? jaman gini? Love is not enough lah …kecuali kalau kita bisa kenyang (lahir batin loh ya) hanya dengan cinta. Idealnya (buat gue) emang si cowo hrs funny, clever dan punya a bunch of love for me (and mine for him). Tapi (biasanya) the good guys are taken. So is it time to compromise? Kriteria mana yang lebih susah utk kita temukan dr cowo? Dr salah satu novel picisan yg gue baca (yes sometimes I like cheesy novel) dikatakan bhw “a marriage is not about happiness. It is about “need”, 2 people that “need” each other to live. She needs him, and he needs her”. Bener enggak sih? Apa maksudnya? So far I don’t need someone else just to live my life. It’s a tricky question terutama buat gue yang belum pernah deeply madly in love with someone. Kayaknya selama ini either cuma crush or lust deh (hehehehe).

Jadi apa donk jawabannya? Apa yg harus kita compromise? We know that love hurts. We know that laughter will make everything more bearable (and make we live longer … based on a study that I read :P). Should we compromise love? Can we live with someone that we don’t love but we need him so we can go on with our lives? Can we live with someone that we don’t love but he can bring laughter and sunshine to our lives? If someone has the answer please let me know.