Monday, March 05, 2007

im –ii- and im a shopaholic

I was bored (tremendously) and CS suggested Sophie Kinsella's shopaholic series. Now I can tell you that this is the book that I can relate to ... totally ...

And this is how I know that im a shopaholic (except from the fact that I like to shop even if its not for me)

….. I feel my whole body expand in relief. There’s a thrill about walking into a shop – any shop- which you can’t beat. It’s partly the anticipation, partly the buzzy, welcoming atmosphere, partly just the lovely newness of everything… (p.81, Confession of a Shopaholic)

That is IT. It explains really well how I feel when I walk into shops. Sometimes I'm so excited that I gasp and start to breathe heavily and senyum2 sendiri (kaya org gila gak sih?) … sigh … yes I'm –ii- and I'm a shopaholic (is there any AA meeting for shopaholic?).


Rika, Mamanya Naufal said...


gue udah tamat semua tuh buku.. ember... sumpe ye lucu banget :)

udah baca yang undomestic goddes? nah itu juga lucu tuh!

-ii- said...

kebayangkan expenses gw buat buku???? walaupun sebagian beli di toko buku bekas ... sebelum beli yang Baby, gw mondar mandir di Borders selama seminggu sampai akhirnya gw bener2 gak tahan dan beli itu buku.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ii!

If you're a shopaholic then I'd imagine being in Singapore would only lead to 2 things:
1) you develop discipline (and i know for a fact that keeping yourself away from all those shops, the temptation itself, is just not easy)
2) you give in and give in and give in...but you end up broke but happy

yikes, thinking about the 2nd possibility is scary. maybe you do need to attend an SA (shopaholics anonymous)! hehee...

I've read a few books from the shopaholics series. i must say they are uber funny!

-ii- said...

i did a bit of shopping ... just 3 times tho' and its on discount and i really need it .. he he he he .. does this sound familiar to you????
well, i think i do a good job in restraining myself from all those stores ... cos its either shop or starve hehehehhe ...