I hate to say this ... but I miss all the travels (actually I didnt do a lot of traveling. I think I went to Raja Ampat, Bali, Bandung, Balikpapan, Medan, Banda Aceh, Bogor (diitung juga kali ya) ... thats all during 2.5 years working for P)… pdhl kemaren sempet ngeluh “udh cape jalan terus”. Basically I always love traveling, but I hate to spend enormous hours on plane or bus when all you can do is sit or eat or read or sleep .. its tiring. After reading my friend’s blog about her last trips, gw jd bener iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii banget. Aku mau jalan2 (gratis) lagi walau ada kerjaan yg tetap harus dikerjain, tp pengalaman berada di tempat baru itu yg enggak bisa tergantikan. Meet new people, try new food. I miss being in a new surrounding. I think I have to thank Pelangi for “paying” for my wildest trip and experience that I will never ever forget.
I hope my future job will involve some traveling, not too much tho’.... just enough to …. Or maybe someone could hire me to do a show about traveling? hmmmm .. but its has to be something unique and different … what could that be ya? Any suggestion?
When I have the whole day without anything important to do, my mind usually wonders around, and I come up with this …. (actually the list is soooooooooo longggg)
Gw pengen belajar diving nih, ada diving course yg diadain PADI disini. Pengen ke Krabi (bener gak ya nulisnya), pengen ke Maldives, pengen travel ke Vietnam-Kamboja-Laos, mau nabung buat mengunjungi Lindex-Vera Moda-Sisters-H&M (hehehehe) di suatu kota kecil lalu melihat The Turning Torso yang udah jadi, Rome will be nice, menunggu undangan ke Wayag & Sayang (stlh kursus diving tentunya), belum pernah ke Shanghai-Beijing, mau belajar Mandarin (but sometimes I think my brain just could not cope with this very difficult languange, but a friend "kind of" push me to put that thought away and start the course. I know Mandarin will do me good), i wanna have my own kitchen so i could cook (kangen pengen masak nih, di tempat kos rada susah), mau pulang kampung, mau belanja di Top Shop (its summer collection is so colorful), mau punya budget tak terhingga utk buku, mau beli gadget baru ...
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