Friday, March 30, 2007

what a day ..

Do you know how a small complement could actually brighten up your day?

While waiting for my dinner, an uncle and aunty were giggling and laughing while looking at me. I was curious.

Me: what is it? [worried that I might have some liptick on my face, altho i didnt wear any make up that nite]

Uncle made some hand gesture that I look sleepy [he?].

Anyway, when my food is ready ...

Aunty: he said that you are pretty, always smiling

piĆ o liang [and put his thumb up]

Me: thank you [and could not wipe that smile off my face]

what a day .. jadi GR .. wink wink wink

and then i remember what my dad always says: you are beautiful but u need to lose some weight

urgh ....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

a postcard ...

thank you cici olip ... jadi terharu ... im not gonna give up easily, but am so bored hehehehe

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

why? ... beacuse ....

Why I love shopping?
I love the smell of new clothes or new books … love to have new stuff ... love the SALE sign … shopping is a good distraction from heartache, stress, job [besides food of course] …

Why I love swimming?
Cos I can say ‘hey I love exercise especially swimming’ although I just sat there in the swimming pool, watching people swim around [but I do swim though for most of the time] … no sweat involved … I think im quite good [hate do stuff that im not good at] …

Why I love traveling?
Love to visit new places and dream about it … it also means that I can shop there (even just for a tiny souvenir) … meet new people … try the local food … culture …

Why I love snorkeling?
Ah … all those beautiful colorful creatures … get tanned …

Why I love dogs?
Furry … cuddle-able [is this even a word?] … naughty … good companion …

Why I love chocolate?
A 'good' drug from Heaven … relaxing … love the smell … love the taste …

Why I like junk food?
Cos junk food is bad for u but damn delicious

Why I hate needle, doctor, hospital, dentist?
Cant stand the smell of hospital ... cant stand the drilling sound while you r waiting for your turn in the dentist and when it’s ur turn … hospital is not a happy place (except for the room where they put the babies) …

Why I love U [God, family, friends, u …]
Cos there is only one U in this whole wide world and U meant a lot to me ..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jam 09.30 malam

Ii, kejadiannya sama kayak elo dulu ....

Deg, dlm sepersekian detik itu aku langsung deg2an. Ada kejadian apa? Siapa yg kena musibah?

Pintunya ke kunci dr luar ...

Hua hua hua hua ... gw ngakak gak berenti sampe E.M. bingung ngeliat gue yg udh terduduk di lantai Gue juga gak sadar apa waktu itu AW/MM juga ngakak apa enggak ya?

Jadi waktu itu elo buka pintu nya gimana?

Jadi critanya waktu itu, emang gue dgn latar belakang teknik gue berhasil membuka pintu yg terkunci dr luar dimana knop pintu itu udh gone. Lalu langsung lah gw kasih aba2 .... gini ...gitu .. terus ... bla bla bla ...Pokoknya itu telp berpindah dr AW ke MM balik ke AW lagi. Gw and EM rada nebak sih, apakah duo AW/MM berhasil buka itu pintu, krn menurut EM penjelasan gw ”rada2 sulit tp kebayang sih” ... abisnya kasih petunjuk buat bongkar kunci lwt telpon kan emang rada susah ...

eh tapi ya sebenernya kalau org lain yg gak tau apa yg terjadi dan mendengar pembicaraan gw akn terdengar rada ’porno’ .. ada kata2 lubang, ditekan kearah dalam jgn ditarik ke arah kita, pakai tuas diungkit. ... hehehehe .. ampe gue jalan ke MRT masih tersenyum2 sendiri. Tp 10 menit kemudian di telp ...

Elo kesini deh, I. Liat gimana pintu nya udh kebuka ...

Hahahahahaha .. akhirnya kursus buka pintu tanpa kunci gak ush diadakan lagi. Murid nya udh jadi master ....

Saturday, March 10, 2007


gw jd teringat waktu masih nebeng ama moli. Biasanya abis nyuci (n kalo gak jalan keluar) gw selalu jemur baju ala spore. Nah disini,jemurannya bukan pake tali kayak di Indo. Jd pipa2 pendek ygdipasang ke tembok di luar pas dibawah jendela. Baju2 kita taro diatas bamboo lalu kita jepit. Yah bambunya palingan 2 meteran deh. Setelah itu bamboo yg dah di gantungin baju kita taro di dalam lubang pipa di jendela tadi. Jadi nantinya cucian kita kaya bendera berkibar gitu deh, yah baju, celana, undies … smuanya berkibar dengan merdeka dr jendela kita hehehhe. Pertama kali gw melakukannya ... my oh my … setelah gue jemur semua baju kira2 6 bambu, tangan gue gemetaran. Emang berat bo’. Jangan salah ngangkat nya juga enggak gampang, berasa itu jemuran bakal jatuh ke bawah en nimpa org yg lg lewat. Tp ini bisa masuk kategorui oleh raga kali ya .. gantiin angkat beban. Skrg sih tinggal di lantai 10, n ibu kos gak jemur baju di luar, tp didapur .. jd di langit dipasang gantungan nya ... kebayang sih, lt 10 kalo berhembus anginya kenceng banget, kalo jemuran jatoh kan cape tuh. lagian ibu kos punya 2 anak yg masih kecil, jd jendela di gembok takut anaknya manjat2.

Monday, March 05, 2007

im –ii- and im a shopaholic

I was bored (tremendously) and CS suggested Sophie Kinsella's shopaholic series. Now I can tell you that this is the book that I can relate to ... totally ...

And this is how I know that im a shopaholic (except from the fact that I like to shop even if its not for me)

….. I feel my whole body expand in relief. There’s a thrill about walking into a shop – any shop- which you can’t beat. It’s partly the anticipation, partly the buzzy, welcoming atmosphere, partly just the lovely newness of everything… (p.81, Confession of a Shopaholic)

That is IT. It explains really well how I feel when I walk into shops. Sometimes I'm so excited that I gasp and start to breathe heavily and senyum2 sendiri (kaya org gila gak sih?) … sigh … yes I'm –ii- and I'm a shopaholic (is there any AA meeting for shopaholic?).

Sunday, March 04, 2007

DRAGON in PIG year

Characteristics of the DRAGON people:

The Dragon processes courage and leadership [masa sih??]. The Dragon is, however, naturally skeptical, as he/she may have been betrayed by people previously [bener nih .. sering ngerasa di betrayed hiks .. nasib nasib .. krn gw tlalu baik kali ye hehehe]. The Dragon is tough but also sensitive when handling problems [buener banget ... sensitip bgt ... nonton animal planet nangis ... baca harlequin nangis ... nonton pelem cinta2an nangis]. The Dragon is generally a risk taker [khusus utk hal2 yg enggak berlawanan dgn hukum loh ya, dan yg gak membahayakan jiwa raga] and is willing to fight to the end to overcome obstacles. The Dragon is independent [anak pertama & gak dimanaja .. pdhl pengen loh sekali2], analytical [salah besar nih, analycal skill gw nol besar] and self opinionated [ih bongkar2 rahasia nih]. The Dragon is inquisitive by nature and loves to learn [masa sih?], he/she is willing to look for solutions, even for the slightest problems. The Dragon craves for fame [kayaknya br kali ini deh ada yg nulis kayak gini, tp bener kok ... gw kan mau jadi artis wakakakak] and is energetic and lead a colorful life [amin amin amin ... mudah2an bs lbh colorful ya]. The Dragon attaches importance to appearance [gak ada salahnya kan?] and has excellent managerial capabilities in human resource management [apa ini clue buat gw utk ganti profesi?]. The Dragon is generally wise, courageous and generous and usually has what it takes to sustain him/her in any occupation [hear that? so hire me hurry]. The Dragon tends to chase after what he/she adores. Though The Dragon is not too capable in managing finance, he/she has a practical approach in earning income [bener banget kok ... dan ada buktinya ... bs liat juga di post selanjutnya ttg SOPHAHOLIC].

General luck in 2007

The Dragon will enjoy great fortune as all misfortune is washed away this year, The Dragon’s efforts will be easily recognized by the seniors and bosses this year, his/her studies and career will also be smooth sailing [that's what im hoping for]. With the help of benefactors, The Dragon will be able to avert most of the misfortune and will bring good luck to his/her family. The Dragon will enjoy many more happy occasions this year [TOBT banget deh].

Career luck in 2007

The Dragon will experience good fortune in his/her career life this year [in my case mungkin artinya gw bakal dpt kerjaan yg gw suka kali ye]. Everything is smooth-sailing and one can certainly look forward to promotions and opportunities to move up the ranks. The self employed Dragon and The Dragon running his/her own business will also enjoy good business. However, he/she should always be proactive in securing business deals and not let opportunities o slip by. Lady Luck in certainly smiling at The Dragon this year as compared last year.

Wealth luck in 2007

This year is an extremely auspicious year for The Dragon with regards to their wealth luck [yah kalo udh dpt kerja pasti donk "kekayaan" nya membaik]. The Dragon will benefit greatly is he/she invest or starts his/her own business. However, due to the presence of the LITTLE DEPLETION is their “Life Palace”, The Dragon might sometimes find it difficult to accumulate wealth if money management is poor [sophaholic with money in singapore? it's like 'flushing the money down the drain' ... will work on this matter tho]. This year, The Dragon should pay more attention to their door numbers, car license plate numbers and even telephone numbers. The God of Wealth might just come knocking on the door.

Health in 2007

Health of The Dragon is fair this year. The Dragon may suffer small ailments at times due to stress and worries and this might lead to frequent headaches and insomnia [already lah], The Dragon must not overwork himself/herself [how?], and should go for regular checkups, visiting the dentist [yeao .. forgot to do it when i was in Jkt] or donating blood [thought about it, but im scared of needle] to avert bloodshed in the upcoming year.

Love life in 2007

The Dragon will enjoy bliss and harmony if he/she is in love as the LOVE STAR is shining brightly in The Dragon’s “Life Palace”. Also, the single Dragon should participate more in social functions, he/she might just find a perfect match this year [socialize? .. ok i put it in my agenda :P].

Auspicious directions: North, Southwest and Southeast

Auspicious months: 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 11th month of the lunar calendar

Inauspicious months: 3rd, 5th, and 9th of the lunar calendar

Auspicious colors: red, yellow, and brown

Auspicious number: 4, 6

Friday, March 02, 2007

Love Poem

berikut ini adalah buktinya 'gila'nya anak2 P. Lg dikejar2 deadline ... diawali dgn chatting buat nanya info ttg project, lalu lahirlah ide kreatif (yg emang cukup sering muncul dibawah tekanan2 pekerjaan) dalam bentuk sebuah puisi cinta

cinta sepanjang coastal-line

sekukuh akar mangrove

yang tanpanya akan ada abrasi hati

memudarkan warna-warna biodiversity cinta

karena luapan cinta yang terus naik seiring dengan sea level rise

akibat panas hati yang terakumulasi bak climate change

yang terbungkus, dalam satu kemasan berharga...

proposal ****

this is why i miss our luch talk so much ... here, im sitting alone in a restaurant or hawker, no one to talk to ... buat org yg cerewet, bawel and ember kayak gue ini kadang berasa kaya siksaan. ntar kalo gue lupa cara ngomong gimana? please, jgn suruh gw ngomong sendiri ya ... hiks hiks

Thursday, March 01, 2007

some parents ...

Bokap ku orang nya emang keras, dan terkadang kurang bisa menempatkan diri. Contoh: kalau anaknya telp jauh2 mau minta pendapat ya dengerin dulu donk ah. Bukannya raised your voice sampe gw nyesel nelpon (gak bakal lagi deh). Berulang2 gw bilang gw cuma mau minta pendapat, baru deh calmed down. Situasi kayak gini nih yg bikin gue sama sekali enggak deket ama bokap. Adanya gue tambah stress ... tambah suntuk … tambah enggak betah … tambah segala2nya deh …

Now, I just don’t want to think … don’t want to chose .. don’t want to do anything …